

The table below lists the terminals that can be active in production in the C-TAP member’s community on 01 November 2019 that were certified by Acquiris as of 21 March 2012.

These certificates remain valid for as long as the specification versions for which these terminals were certified remain supported by the acquiring processors that have commissioned certification to C-TAP Authority. Note that C-TAP terminals also require EMVCo and PCI SSC preliminary certifications and the deployment of terminals is therefore also conditioned by the rules of EMVCo and PCI SSC.
Certificates are contractual documents between terminal vendors and AcquirisThis page  only represents a list of certificates and it is possible that not all certificates are included in this list. The final proof is the certificate itself.

Terminals in Production and Certified by Acquiris 20210119 : Acquiris

Terminal Name
Tag DF05
Certified Services
Tag DFFF10
Date (1)


(1) If the expiry date is not specified, the certificate is valid for three years following the official publication date of the next mandatory update version of the C-TAP terminal specification.